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A bipolar month's fashion survival guide.

Allow me to begin by saying that when I got onto that plane to travel back home, I never expected to stumble upon such a 'tropical' weather.

Cyprus got me used to at least 40 degrees on a daily basis, where the slightest hint of breeze would instantly become one's (and especially my) best friend. Therefore, getting a lot of breezes , all at once, can only be described as 'weird'.

Don't worry though, the bipolar weather should not scare you nor bring you opposite to a whole new wardrobe, as your favourite summer pieces can still be worn with slight alterations and some steals from your autumn wardrobe.

If, for example, you and I share the same shorts' addiction, the solution is very simple. Start with trading your cami tops for shirts with longer sleeves.

By doing so, you will also be able to make your looks look effortlessly chic and achieve the day-to-night look simply by changing your shoes.accessories and make-up.

Another way to survive the ' Cypriot Spring' which keeps our summer hostage, allows you to still wear your cami tops as long as you style it with the loved by all 'over-the-shoulders' jacket trend.

Last but not least, experimenting is the best way to survive this bipolar weather in style :)

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